You might be an Anthurium grower at the same time you are maintaining some beautiful orchids. So you may wonder ‘Can I use orchid fertilizer on Anthurium?’, or you’ve heard that some others are doing this trick, and you wanna make sure it is safe. Orchid fertilizer can be used on anthuriums on 1/4 strength […]
Category: Indoor plants

Can I Use Orchid Fertilizer On Air Plants?
Getting a license to use orchid fertilizer on air plants will save you some money while it is treating this epiphyte to get into its best look. Because you won’t be needing to find specific air plant food. But can I use orchid fertilizer on air plants? Orchid fertilizer can be used on air plants […]

Banana Peel Fertilizer for Indoor Plants: Best or the Worst?
Just think, how many times have you seen people making banana peel fertilizer for their plants, on the web? I think, hundreds of huh! But, can banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants actually work? Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants can be used in various forms such as peel liquid, burying peels, composted banana peels, […]

8 Never-Seen Homemade Fertilizers For Money Plant In Water!
Money plant is a nice looking indoor plant that can grow in both soil and water. Using a homemade fertilizer for money plants in water, helps you to grow your money plant healthy in water with almost no cost. Here are some homemade liquid fertilizers for money plant in water. Eggshells mixture with water Banana […]